OMG, thank goodness its Friday. A long week is finally over, ugh. Well anyway today was rather uneventful, just sat in Whitegate all day, surfed teh interwebs, and generally did nothing at all until later tonight.
First thing on the list was helping Roonwit with her Bahamut V1 fight. Well I saw them shouting at about 2 o'clock my time and they said they'd start at 9 o'clock GMT which was in about an hour. So I was like "oh cool this won't take long at all." Man I couldn't have been more wrong. About 2 hours later, they're still trying to fill up the alliance, which I personally thought was overkill. I mean, when Ste and I did it, we barely had 9 people, only about 3-4 being DD, and still beat it with time to spare. This one guy kept insisting that anything other than a full 18 man zerg was doomed to fail... I was like o.o;.

I also talked to a new person on Skype. His in-game name will remain a secret, but I'll just say he scares me. I don't think Ste liked him either o.o;. We all got there eventually and went into the fight. Bards 2hr'd buffed us up we ran in and started to pound him hard. I started up the Chainspell Gun and launched a volley of Stun Missiles. Bahamut went down like a wimp, only getting off one flare. I didn't have a chance to take any epic screenshots though, so you'll just have to use your imagination...
Next on the order of business! An exciting fight against the Arch'duke himself CamelKnot. As we were waiting for people to gather, I managed to find and kill both Hippolytos, and Enkelados, but no drop between the two of them :(

We ventured furthur up and started to kill some blue gigas. I feel sorry for them they look so emo (//.-). Anyway, we managed to get both a Hoary Battle Horn, and a Moldy Buckler rather quickly and decided to pop both Pallas and Alkyoneus. Got both down relatively easily but...

/sigh.... Treasure Hound is uselesssssss. But we trekked on and wololo'd into the Stellar Fulcrum where much to our dismay/anticipation, Dearthsaber, another patron of The Dragon's Tear logged into the game. He also needed the fight and so we decided to wait on him. Well guess what Dearth did? He went AFK. So after awhile we just said screw it and went into the Battlefield against CamelKnot.

"Sup, Braaahhhhh, lets go surfing maaaaan."
Duuuuude, You turned me black braaaaahhh, I'm totally freaking out maaaaaan.Well that fight went down well too, cept at one point I took like a 900 Light Blade to the face XD
Onwards and upwards I guess :). Well at work things are starting to change, we just had one of our co-workers just up and quit on us. And they're wanting me to train on cashier... :(. But it can't be that bad, I can't complain about more money I guess lol.
Oh, and thanks Shawn for your present^^, I keep him right next to the fireplace to keep him warm :D.

Oh and I found this cool picture ^^ I think its my future Dancer self >.>

Anyways, gots work tomorrow, laters....