So yeah, the newest expansion of Final Fantasy XI, Visions of Abyssea has launched and I must say that it is AWESOME. Not just awesome but JAWESOME. 50-60k/hr parties, awesome NM's and drops. Probably THE best expansion for FFXI in a long time. Anyway, I've been leveling my jobs to 80, except BLM. I've also started leveling WHM. I went in as a level 45 WHM to open chests for the group and ended up getting level 65 in about 5 hours.
Also there are tons of NM's to fight inside Abyssea. One of the ones we fought was a tiny Mandragora NM Cacagaunah or w/e. Drops a pretty sweet ammo piece called the Thew Bomblet STR+2 Attack +8 for my MNK SAM and DNC. Also we're going to be going after another NM tonight called Cuelebre. Drops the Auric Dagger, Enhanced "Dual Wield" for DNC, pretty sick.
Anyway been starting to do Limbus with peeps from my LS. Its been going well, working on an Ultima and an Omega chipset and so on.

But yeah, I'm gonna continue to work on WHM. Hope to be 80 soon :). Also Nyzul has been going pretty good, almost gotten everything I've wanted from it. That's all for today. Will blog laters.