Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Changes, Changes Everywhere!

Why hello there! Been quite some time since I laid down a smooth track of words, ideas, and general musings.

Life and FFXI have been all over the place. I guess the best place to start would be a recap of events. Bare with me if some of this has already been said and if it seems like too much ranting.

  1. Don't know if it has been said before but around March I left my job at Target. No two weeks notice (which I am apparently notorious for doing) just stopped showing up. Of course my parents chewed my ass out for it and over the next couple of weeks the usual phrase was, "Where have you applied at today Ryan?" Now I was only unemployed for about a month and a half roughly. Funny thing was my friend Jason had recently quit Olive Garden, and my other friend Ty (Atlanray) was fired from his job at Wal-mart.So we were basically chilling playing Final Fantasy all day. As fun as it was I really needed to get a job (mainly to support my crack habit). Ty eventually found a job at the local Lowe's hardware store, and Jason got hired to work at the local call-center Sitel.
  2. Which brings me to point number 2. After many applications and no call backs, I was starting to lose hope. Eventually, thanks to the help of my mom's co-workers boyfriend, I got an interview at a local business called ElectricRider. After talking to the owner I started a position the following Wednesday.
  3. So I started working there, assembling electric bike kits (or E-bikes hurr durr) and doing other *cough* morally gray *cough* activities. I seemed to be getting along quite well there, until I learned more about a cunt ass bitch named Angela. She was quite the piece of work, like a traffic accident you try to view from afar but don't want to get to close to lest you see something nasty. Now I normally don't try to judge people immediately but I could tell just from talking to her that she was someone that you just don't like. Unfortunately sometimes I would have to sit next to her for hours at a time when I was doing my work. Inevitably this led to idle conversation. She told me about her alcoholic daughter and her hopes of becoming a pharmacist. She told me how she had hyperthyroidism or whatever the fuck that made her feel really cold all the time. Yeah right bitch it was probably the fact that you're a cold blooded SNAKE. She told me how she used to be and I'm not shitting: a prison guard, a waiter, a construction worker, a rancher, a stripper, a spy, a cat, a city worker, a tornado inspector, a Kit-Kat, yadda yadda yadda. Ok maybe I'm exaggerating just a LITTLE bit, honestly I hardly paid attention to the whore. Maybe I'm being a bit harsh, but this brings me to #4... Why the fuck did I number these to begin with?
  4. Angela is one of the reasons I lost that job. Yes I lost that job. Yes I had only worked there for a month and a half. Yes I mad. Yes I did something for revenge. Yes I drank the last beer. Anyway, I knew something was up with Angela when after work I was talking to my mother. She said that Mike (my boss) was told by Angela that she asked me to do something and THAT I FLAT OUT SAID NO. Now I'm not the kind of guy to do that, especially only a couple of weeks into a new job. Why the fuck would I do that. If ANYONE had asked me to jump I would have just said "How high?" So obviously I knew she was a lying bitch and was trying to get me in trouble. So being the new guy and her working there longer, she was naturally given more credibility. This unfortunately went on longer, and last week I was told I was being let go. I just nodded, said it was a pleasure and left. But in the back of my head I was going "oh theses fuckers are going to paaaaay."
  5. So my means of LEGAL revenge? Remember that "morally gray" work I did there? It was packing of K2, a synthetic form of THC or marijuana. Well I just happened to know that our local police force was actively looking for places in town where it was packaged. I also just happened to find myself at the online form for anonymous tips to police. While it technically is still legal, I knew it would be bad for their business at least to have the cops show up. I also just happened to write letters to my state congress outlining reason for K2 banning in Texas. And since I know that K2 accounts for about 60% of their daily business, I knew that they would be hurting. Maybe not now, but later, and thats all I need.
Well anyway, that's all I'm blogging for today, will pick up the FFXI portion later.