So we started out with an early Despot, got him to pop but was a messy fight o.o;. Lotsa deaths but we managed to kill and get another Gem of the West. :D

Unfortunately, Roonwit and Jooppi could not attend the run last night, and neither could Atlanray. That means we were down 2 whm's and a thf. Yeah it wasn't looking good o.o;. BUT thanks to Ste's wit and manly charisma, he rallied together more troops and headed for Byakko!

Yeah... That didn't go to well :(. Was discouraging, but we kept our heads up high, and decided to try for a Suzaku, which went 10x better (cept for an unlucky timing with its 2hr). We got something like a Suzaku's Sune-ate and A-legs, don't really remember well.
After having another pld join us we decided we'd try to do Byakko again. WHY IS IT SOMEONE ALWAYS AGRO'S ON THE WAY TO BYAKKO!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WHY CANT THEY BRING SUPPLIES AND JUST BE AWARE THAT EVERYTHING IN SKY MAGIC AGRO'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/rant off
So after about 30 minutes we all finally made it to Byakko. The final showdown of the night was about to comnmence. The troops' morale wasn't very high, but Ste lead the charge valiantly. It was a shaky fight, that had us all on edge. There were many close calls, and at the last 1-4% we actually had no tanks XD. BUT we perserved and accomplished this!
CONGRATULATIONS JAMES, now your knees are covered :D
But not D-legs for me /cry
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