Anyways. In this blog I'll chronicle my adventures in Final Fantasy XI. And yes, I do swap .DATs.
Don't hate me!
My friend Atlanray aka Big Gay Ty is gone on vacation for the weekend. This has left Senseiborn AKA Shawn (his e-boyfriend) upset. I tried to convince him to call in today, (he hasn't called-in in the past year!) so we could do stuff in FFXI, but he was adamant they he couldn't today.
We campaigned in the morning, got lotsa limit points (@ 2 merit points atm). I like this new WS Ascetic's Fury on my MNK. It turns things black >:3. I am now on a personal quest to turn every mob in the game black at least once.
Also me and my other friend Ste AKA Ste, went and did Bahamut V1 today and had tremendous success! Here is a pictures:
Anyways off to merit now! Will blog again later!
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