- Davoi - This place has always held a fascination with me, I don't really know why XD. When I was just a wee nooblet, I used to think that the highest level mobs in the game resided in this slummy dungeon. Today its just not the same, all the mobs are relatively weak considering. Still I don't mind punching some friggin orcs in the face. ^^ Overall this trip was ok.
- Castle Oztroja - I don't know why, but I really don't think too much about this place. I just looks like a giant mud/poop castle with a bunch of crazy birds inside. The only interesting place inside here is guarded by friggin annoying puzzles and passwords. (I absolutely HATE the three word password, seems the words are always the last ones on the list. >_<) Well we got to the Chamber of Doom and assasinated the Yagudo High Priest and Yagudo Templars. Oh and isn't there a law.... something that goes like.... the more you want something to drop, the least likely it is to drop. Well I remember awhile ago, Atlanray and I were up here farming a certain scroll for our BLM's. The elusive Scroll of Tornado. Well we wanted it really bad, and it ended up taking us 4-5 hours of farming to get us both a scroll. Well, guess what was the first thing to drop when we killed a Yagudo Prelate?! You got it... a Scroll of Tornado. We let Senseireborn lot on the scroll since he promised he'd use in on BLM. And if I find out he really sold it.... let's just say I'll be like :(.

- Beadeaux - What an icky, smelly cesspool! I don't really like this place at all, then again I don't really like quadav. We were pretty straight forward about this one. We killed a couple oozes in the hopes of an earring drop (to no avail) and continued deep into this STD riddled, puke pile. We were doing ok, until we found out Wigs hadn't brought Silent Oils, and we had to deal with an agro. Other than that we made it through, stomped a Ruby Quadav, and got Wigs his 3rd and final crest :)

All in all it was a fun conclusion to an otherwise mixed day. But who am I kidding, whenever Senseireborn and Jimma, Ste or Atlanray are involved, I'm sure to have a good time ;D.
Anyways, good night! Will blog laters!
Anyways, good night! Will blog laters!
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